10 Outdoor Kitchen Design Ideas

outdoor pizza oven, barbeque grills, meat smoker, and other outdoor kitchen examples

There's a certain magic to cooking and eating outside in the fresh air, not to mention that an outdoor kitchen can add value and attractiveness to your home, and be an opportunity for you to showcase your identity. Adding an outdoor kitchen is great for those who enjoy entertaining others or those seeking to enhance an existing outdoor structure like a pool house.

You can also take this opportunity to explore new design ideas, experiment with different elements, and create a space that tells your culinary story. Here are ten outdoor kitchen design ideas to inspire your next project.

1. Outdoor Kitchen Designs for Small Spaces

Creativity and planning are your best friends when it comes to small spaces. Here are some general steps to follow:

  • Start by visualizing your space and measuring it accurately to help you understand how much room you have and what elements you can incorporate.

  • Next, consider your must-haves. These dictate your design and layout choices. Be clever with your design — utilize vertical space, choose compact appliances, and prioritize multifunctional elements.

  • Materials and tools are crucial. Depending on your design, you might need concrete or stone for countertops, stainless steel for grills, and various hand tools for assembly and installation.

  • Lastly, it's essential to know what not to do. One common mistake is placing a grill too close to fencing or your home's exterior. This can cause heat damage and pose a fire hazard.

You can also play with the possibilities of adding a pergola, include rich woods in your design for an earthy feel, or use sleek stainless steel for a contemporary look.

2. Themed Outdoor Kitchens

Themed outdoor kitchens can bring excitement, individuality, and a personal touch to your space. You could opt for a Mediterranean theme, creating an environment that transports you to the sun-drenched coasts of Italy or Greece with rustic furniture, warm colors, and plants. Sports fans who enjoy grilling can also create an outdoor kitchen using the colors of their favorite team.

Here are a few tips to guide you:

  1. Reflect on your interests: Choose design elements that go well with your personality. 

  2. Consider the surroundings: Your theme should complement your home's architecture and the natural environment.

  3. Functionality is key: Choose decorative elements that don't interfere with the usability of the space.

  4. Be consistent: From the color scheme to the style of furniture and accessories, every element should contribute to the overall theme.

  5. Don't overdo it: Subtlety is key. You want your guests to feel the theme seamlessly without feeling like a novelty.

Get creative with it, and have fun choosing a theme that speaks to your individual tastes. You then want to consider the layout of your kitchen. 

3. L-shaped Grill Counters

An L-shaped grill counter offers versatility and practicality, with a generous workspace on one side and a comfortable serving or dining area on the other.

In addition to built-in grills or burners, L-shaped grill counters might feature a sink or a refrigerator. Some have expansive countertops for food preparation and serving, while others may incorporate bar-style seating for guests. 

The beauty of this design lies in its flexibility and ability to adapt. However, there are numerous other benefits, such as:

  • Providing a functional layout that separates the cooking and dining areas yet keeps them within easy reach;

  • Maximizing space, making it ideal for both small and large patios;. 

  • Creating a social hub where the cook can interact with guests without turning their back on them.

To create your L-shaped grill counter, you'll need some essential tools and materials — a grill, countertops, and cabinets for storage. You may also need to consider adding in water, electric, or gas lines to provide the necessary utilities for appliances in your kitchen. 

4. Brick Oven

An outdoor brick oven is a dome-shaped cavity that traps and radiates heat uniformly, creating an environment perfect for creating culinary delights such as brick oven pizzas or freshly baked bread. 

Building a brick oven requires firebricks for the oven floor and cooking dome, regular bricks for the outer structure, mortar to bind bricks, a door to retain heat, and a chimney to vent smoke.

pool house with kitchenOwning an outdoor brick oven comes with its own set of responsibilities:

  • Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure its longevity and performance. 

  • Cleaning after each use and conducting periodic inspections for cracks or damage.

  • Protecting it from extreme weather conditions.

Maintenance is a lot — however, there are other alternatives to consider. 

5. Fire Pit

The fire pit embodies the elemental and captivating appeal of an open flame. It’s a hub for social gatherings, a comforting source of warmth on cold nights, and even a makeshift grill during impromptu cookouts. 

Various materials, from pre-cast concrete to stone or metal, can be used in fire pits. In terms of size and shape, you could go for an elongated design perfect for roasting marshmallows or opt for a round pit with a wide ledge where everyone can gather.

6. Outdoor Kitchen Islands

From built-in grills and refrigerators to bar-style seating and ample storage, a kitchen island caters to all your outdoor culinary needs. Even in smaller spaces, an outdoor kitchen island can prove incredibly beneficial. The spacious countertops and ample storage options provide an excellent work surface for meal preparation while adding an extra layer of convenience and practicality.

7. U-shaped Grill Counters

This design stands apart from the L-shaped layout, which features two adjacent workspaces forming a right angle. U-shape counters wrap around you and offer a more immersive cooking experience, room for food preparation, serving, and even a few decorative elements.

However, there are a few considerations to bear in mind. The choice of material is crucial. You might opt for stainless steel for its durability and modern appeal or natural stone for its heat resistance. Keep in mind that the construction process requires time and patience. Building your grilling station could take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the design and the materials.

8. Covered Outdoor Kitchen Space

A covered outdoor kitchen protects you from the elements, allowing you to enjoy outdoor cooking escapades regardless of the unpredictable weather. The cover also adds a layer of privacy, creating a cozy nook.

There are numerous ways to create this. For instance:

Whatever option you choose, a covered kitchen space will allow you to enjoy and entertain no matter what the weather. 

9. Outdoor Kitchen Sitting Ideas

Comfort is key to the perfect seating options. Cushioned seats, ergonomic designs, and adjustable heights can make the difference between a fleeting visit and a lingering stay. And let's not forget about shade — a well-placed umbrella or a leafy pergola can provide a cool respite.

10. Outdoor Entertainment Ideas

Twinkling fairy lights, rustic lanterns, or modern LED strips can set the mood and create a warm and welcoming ambiance. Music is another essential element — a portable speaker or an outdoor sound system can fill the air with melodies. Add a few bean bags, an outdoor projector, or even an outdoor movie screen, and you have a versatile and highly functional entertainment space. 


Building an outdoor kitchen takes time and effort. By incorporating design ideas like those above, you can create a space that reflects your own interests and culinary passions, that also adds value to your home.

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