4 Valuable & Inspiring Garden Shed Designs for Your Backyard

Garden Shed Designs

With the summer in full swing and more states extending lockdowns amidst COVID-19 surges, more people are turning to their garden as a source of comfort and joy. There's something remarkably relaxing about reconnecting with nature, nurturing plants, and maintaining a beautiful lawn.

With the renewed focus on gardening, many people are looking at buying or upgrading their garden shed. After all, if you're going to be gardening more from now on, it's probably worth getting some extra space.

There are four designs of garden sheds that you can get here at Homestead. In addition to looking different, each design has it’s own pros and cons of which you should be aware. If you're interested in garden shed ideas & designs, let's look at those four styles so you can pick the right one for you!

A-Frame Garden Shed

Arguably the most classic garden shed look, an A-frame shed has a roof that has an angle like the letter ‘A’. The left and the right side of the roof have steep inclines, which makes it look like a capital "A" in the front. They are also called gable roof sheds.

The resulting structure is perfect for a garden shed. It's resilient, as it can handle rain, snow, and other weather elements. It's ‘A’ shape gives it a high ceiling on the inside so that you can store garden equipment properly and easily add a loft or attic type area. Some people want electric lights in their garden sheds, and the roof provides ample space to add lighting.

In short, the A-frame garden shed is the quintessential garden shed, so if you're looking for classic, this is it!


Hip Roof Shed

The hip roof shed is very similar to an a-frame, except that it has all four sides of the roof sloped/slanted toward the walls. The resulting shed looks more like a small house than a garden shed. Most of the decor and inner space remains the same as the A-frame one, and a hip roof shed is equally structurally sound and even better at holding up under the elements. The downside is there’s a little less room for a loft or attic area, though this is still possible with tall enough walls.

With the hip roof shed, many people like to customize the apex point by adding a cupola, as well as skylight windows, lights, or ventilation. It helps give the shed a beautiful look while still being functional by allowing in more light. The ability to add this is one of the big benefits of a hip roof garden shed.


Garden Belle Garden Sheds

Garden Belles are about as charming as they come! These garden sheds tend to be smaller than some of the other types due to their build. They usually have a hexagonal shape and lots of windows with a unique and distinctive bell-shaped roof.

Typically, people don't store things like riding lawnmowers and big equipment in Garden Belles. They’re more often used to store plant seeds, small tools, and other essentials for the garden. Often, people put windows on multiple sides to allow the maximum light to enter. The are definitely the quintessential “garden shed”

If you're looking for a small, elegant-looking shed to store your garden supplies and give you a place to putter around with plants, a Garden Belle is probably the shed you need!


Garden Tower

Similar to the Garden Belle, a Garden Tower shed's main difference is the number of sides. While a Garden Belle has six walls, a Garden Tower is a traditional square structure with a sloped roof. These sheds are sometimes called Witch’s Hat sheds, since their distinctive roofline goes into a steep point, much like the traditional witch’s hat you see around Halloween.

If you're looking for something that gives a distinct, unforgettable look, a garden tower is perfect. It blends beautifully with the landscape and provides a quality place to store tools and other gardening materials. Plus, it’s unique look will definitely become a conversation starter!

Choosing Your Perfect Garden Shed

Choosing your perfect shed has a lot to do with personal preference. If you want a traditional, bigger shed, then the A-frame is probably your best bet. These sheds can be big enough to fit a riding lawnmower or even a car. If your goal is utility, then an A-frame is most definitely the way to go!

If you're looking for a shed similar to an A-frame but with a look that seems more homey than shed-like, a hip roof shed might be the right choice. It's going to have quite a bit of space, but it looks less like a garden shed and more like a little home.

Finally, if you're looking for a quaint, beautiful little shed to store some of your gardening essentials, look no further than a Garden Belle or Garden Tower. You may not be fitting a riding lawnmower in any of these beautiful little buildings, but you will be able to add charm, sophistication, and utility to your backyard!

If you're interested in getting one of these garden sheds, please contact us so we can create a custom quote for you. We are open and ready to serve you! Having the right shed can help bring more space and tranquility to your gardening.

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