Download Brochures

For even more details on our pool houses, pavilions, garages, and sheds, you can download PDFs of our brochure below. If you see something you like, give us a call at 877-272-7252 to discuss the possibilities!

Homestead Pool House Brochure Cover

Pool House Brochure

Download our pool house brochure to see our custom, turnkey pool houses, along with our most popular models including the Avalon and the Siesta. Ready to transform your outdoor living space?

Homestead Pavilion & Pergola Brochure Cover

Pavilion & Pergola Brochure

In need of the perfect shade structure? The right pavilion or pergola can take your outdoor space up a notch, giving you a both a peaceful getaway spot and a convenient entertainment space. Download our brochure for design ideas.

Homestead Structures Garage Brochure

Garage Brochure

Thinking about a new garage this year? Whether you're looking to protect your vehicles, create more storage space, or enjoy your own hobbyshop, download our garage brochure to start designing your dream garage.

Homestead Structures Shed Brochure cover

Shed Brochure

Sheds aren't just for storage anymore! Create the perfect He-Shed, She-Shed, Pub-Shed, artist studio, garden shed, office space, home gym and more with a custom shed from Homestead. Download our shed brochure and get inspired!
