
Homestead Structures - Pool House Builders in Wayne, PA

Wayne, PA pool houses and garage projects

Some of the Homestead Structures team’s favorite backyard projects we’ve done have been in Wayne, PA, the suburbs of Philadelphia. From pool houses to a high-end garage, it is always a pleasure to build on the Main Line. 

What’s the Difference Between Stick-Built Garages vs. Pole Barns vs. Modular Garages?

You need a garage. But how do you know which method of construction is best for your new garage? 

Whether you’re looking for a one-car, two-car, or even four-car garage, it’s important to know your options. This article explores the differences between the three most popular types of building for garages: stick builds, pole barns, and modular garages.

Holly Jolly Holiday Sale!

Our Holly Jolly Holiday Sale offers up to 20% off new orders from 12/5 to 12/29.

Types of Backyard Structures and What To Know About Each

The Top 5 Backyard Structures You Need to Know

One of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors is in the comfort of your own backyard, where you can choose whether to suntan in privacy or have friends over for a cookout. You can enjoy hot summer days and crisp winter nights just as well by setting up your property for outdoor entertainment in any season. To create an outdoor space that is attractive, comfortable, and versatile, adding a backyard structure could be the perfect solution.

Rhino Flooring: The Toughest Garage & Shed Floors Around

Garages can get messy.  From dirty tires and oil leaks to messy hobbies, your garage floor will see a lot of wear and tear. The same goes with a your shed.

That's why Homestead is introducing a new super-tough floor panel for your garage or shed floor - Rhino Flooring. These heavy-duty floors are SuperStratum Panels with Rhino Lining coatings - a proprietary blend designed to adhere to high-performance OSBs. These flooring panels are more durable and structurally stiff than competing shed and garage floor products. 

Pool Houses, Garages & Sheds Built to Last

One of the things we tend to be up front about when speaking with potential customers is that we are NOT the cheapest builder on the block. If you’re on a tight budget and looking to spend as little as possible on a new shed or backyard building, we typically recommend seeing what Lowe’s or Home Depot has available. Even if we wanted to, it can be tough to match prices with such big businesses.

How to Properly Maintain and Store Your Lawn and Garden Tools and Equipment for the Winter

Summer has ended and it’s officially fall! It’s time to put away the tools of summer and start pulling out the equipment that tends to signify fall and winter. Leaf blowers, shovels, snow blowers, and more start making an appearance in the front of your shed or garage and the leaves all from the trees and the cold weather hits.

Buying a New Car? Remember Your Garage

custom garage Lancaster PA

Purchasing a new vehicle for your family can be an exciting event. After all, there’s nothing quite like that new-car smell, right? While it’s great to think about all of the wonderful adventures and trips you and your family will have on the road, it’s important to stop and consider whether your garage is ready for a new vehicle. Whether you currently own a garage or you simply park your car in the driveway, a custom-built garage can help to maintain the condition of your car and protect this significant investment.

5 Garage Hacks You Need Right Now

custom garage in Lancaster PA

Whether you’re the proud owner of a custom garage in Lancaster PA or you’re thinking about expanding your storage space in the near future, let’s be honest: garages can be absolute disaster zones. Sure, you might have some organization -- a few shovels hanging on the wall, maybe a couple of bins here and there -- but for most of us, garages are absolute free-for-alls, full of random, miscellaneous objects strewn about with no sense of organization whatsoever.